<?php Print "Hello, World!"; ?>
You should see the same results as in this link:
You will first need to contact the SCIS technical team to request to have a MySQL database created for you.
Once you have the database login information, copy the code below into a file named 'mysql.php' in your public_html directory.
Replace the following with the username, password, and database
name you were supplied with for the MySQL database. (This is not the same as your server login information.):
$username = "dblogin";
$password = "xxxxx";
$database = "dbname";
The URL to this will be http://student.athabascau.ca/~login/mysql.php (replace login with your server login name.)
<?php $username = "dblogin"; $password = "xxxxx"; $database = "dbname"; $hostname = "localhost"; $dbh = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); $selected = mysql_select_db($database,$dbh) or die("Could not select database $database"); print "Connected to MySQL database $database"; mysql_close($dbh); ?>
You should see the same results as in this link: